Facts About Germs and Bacteria

There are germs in your house all the time. In the right conditions, some bacteria can divide every 20 minutes. There are loads of different types of germs and some will stick to you. Your immune system keeps you safe from any harm but some germs can mutate into things your body doesn’t recognise. These are viruses. Just keeping clean can reduce the risk of getting a virus.

The kitchen is a major place for germs to spread. Obviously. We all clean the sink out after washing up but other problems occur later. Things that get overlooked. Moist towels that get used repeatedly and what about handles. I don’t just mean the handles on utensils. What about the handle on the fridge or freezer? What about door handles. Germs spread so easily and just opening the fridge after touching raw meat can spread bacteria at the drop of a hat. When you think about door handles, you’re now thinking about light switches aren’t you? Well, if you weren’t, you are now.


Right ladies, how’s that make-up bag of yours? How often do you use the things in there. How often do you touch your hands and face with what’s in your bag and when was the last time you cleaned your make-up bag? All those microorganisms in the bristles of all your brushes. Nice.

What about laundry? What about the laundry? Just leaving wet laundry for a short amount of time can cause bacteria and germs go grow.

OK, here’s something to think about. How often is the toilet seat cleaned? Quite often. Rightly so. Now what about your mobile phone? What about your television remote control? Your computer? Your keys? These things get touched far more than your toilet seat don’t they? They get touched by everyone around you. Everyone around you. People who may not have clean hands. Now think about that.


Now think about how much time you have to be cleaning all of these things. Whether it be your home or your place of work. Dust It Off is a cleaning service that cleans domestic and commercial places.

Call Angela now for a free quote on 07473419220.

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